— from Ed and Kristen Wilson —

After 27 years on Orcas Island, watching Art Lange work with multiple non-profit organizations and governing boards, we can say without hesitation that Art is the hardest working, most open-minded, consensus-building community leader we’ve known.

To say that Art always does his homework is an understatement. He pores over relevant information with a researcher’s determination to make sure his comments or conclusions are factually based, fiscally sound, and logical. Sometimes Art’s careful preparation uncovers innovative solutions. Sometimes it simply reveals the most sensible options available.

Either way, it leads to efficient and trustworthy decision-making.

On the subject of how our current medical practices might work within a public hospital district, Art has been committed for some time to finding a mutually agreeable solution for shared after-hours and weekend coverage by Orcas Fire & Rescue and the practices. So he has a head start in understanding their needs and expectations, which will be key to achieving affordable, year-round, 24/7 medical care on-island.

Not only do we believe Art Lange will be a strong commissioner, we believe all of the PHD Commissioners will benefit and the Commission itself will be stronger if Art Lange is elected.