— from Katie Fleming —

Alex Ramel

Alex Ramel would be a fantastic representative for the 40th district in Washington. He is a progressive democrat who will champion climate action, affordable housing, healthcare for all, fully funded schools, equal pay for women, and gun violence prevention. Alex is also a listener and strong collaborate leader. I have never been this inspired by a political candidate. I highly endorse and trust him.

I have known Alex for 12 years and have been waiting for him to run for office that entire time. He and I have worked together on many programs in the region, ranging from the Community Energy Challenge that he helped develop, to more recently stopping the Canadian Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. If you care about climate action and our environment, value social justice, are a parent or grandparent who wants a good future for the children you love, and a person who wants a true, honest progressive in our state government – vote for Alex.

Learn more about Alex here: www.alexramel.com.