— from Learner Limbach —

Withdrawing from Consideration for the 40th LD State Senate Appointment
I have decided to withdraw my name from consideration for the 40th legislative district State Senate appointment. To say this was a very difficult decision to make is an understatement, but I know it is the right one. Among the reasons for this are wanting to be here for my family during some difficult times and my desire to continue leading the Orcas Food Co-op through its next stage of growth and development.

My intent is always to go where I am most needed to be of greatest service to my community and the world. For now that is staying in my current leadership roles while supporting our representatives in office in whatever way I can to further progressive causes. This process over the past few weeks has taught me so much, and I am grateful for all of it. I feel this is a beginning and that at some point the call will come again for service in public office and the time will be right and I will answer it. To pre-empt your next question, I don’t know when that will be. I will be doing some reflection in the coming months as I refocus on my work and family.

The ideas that were expressed throughout this exploration have shifted the conversation and platform of our district and provided an opportunity to hear different points of view. Kris Lytton and I had a great conversation last night and I will be supporting her for the appointment to the 40th Legislative District State Senate seat. I look forward to working with her as our new State Senator to further the progressive causes that are so critical at this point in history.

We must take bold action to create a government of the people, address climate change, the housing crisis, healthcare, sustainable food and water, and creating a more equal and equitable society for all people. I’m confident that great things can be achieved in our district, state and country through collaboration, listening and setting our egos aside.

Thank you to all who gave me your endorsement or expressed support for my candidacy for public office. Particularly I want to thank the Economic Justice Caucus and the Environment and Climate Caucus of the Washington State Democrats for your endorsements. I am so excited to continue this work together. The world is large and there are many battles to fight. I will never stop fighting. Much love to you all.