— from Joe Symons —

I attach here a transcript of some remarks made at the 3/31/20 council meeting. Transcript by Michael Johnson:

Bill Watson— “I’m aware that DCD, our permit department is generating a mail blast to go out to all the vacation rental permit holders. Do you know the status of that Kyle?”

Kyle Dodd— “Yes I do. I talked to Erika yesterday she has sent out an email to all of the folks that we have email addresses for… and so that has gone out, and I believe they’re working on a mail one as well, but the email blast did go out.”

Bill Watson— “Great. I just wanted to make sure that was confirmed on the record.”

Rick Hughes— “And Bill I’ve seen an actual copy delivered so it was good enough.

I operate a short term rental and have had a VR permit since 1999. I have submitted annual compliance reports since they were first required. I am confident that DCD has my email address on file. (Note: VR Permit data available to the public does not show email addresses.)

I have not received by email or USPS any notice from SJC or DCD regarding any rules or regulations regarding my VR Permit, rules which were created to deal with COVID.

I have heard from other VR Permit owners who have not received any notice from DCD.

My information directly contradicts the information described in the public council meeting above.

Personally, I have blocked all reservations at my STR for April and May; I have requested all guests who were booked for those months to cancel.
Please send VR Permit related notices regarding COVID actions taken by SJC officials to all VR Permit holders ASAP.

There are approximately 7700 individuals in SJC who are 60 or older; these folks are at risk for serious complications including death: the risk goes up exponentially by age.

Consequently, I strongly encourage SJC officials to immediately, strictly, and properly enforce rules and regulations regarding illegal use of STRs either by Permit holders or by non-permit holders. It is clear that SJC’s COVID cases are due to people, including some locals, coming here from the mainland. 

This should be stopped immediately.