In order to help me decide how to vote on the levy, I have the following questions:

  • What does OISD project as the annual funds to be made available through this levy, starting in 2022?
  • Since the printed levy information states that ‘a portion of the funds . . . will allow OISD to complete some of the work that was approved by voters under the recent construction bond, but that was beyond the scope of what costs would allow’, I would like to see a prioritized list of what that capital work would encompass through the life of the levy until 2028, the projected costs of each item, and the increase from the original levy projections.
  • I would also like to see the percentage of funding going to capital projects v. technology.
  • What has SJC projected for property values on Orcas through the end of the levy cycle?
  • What are the ‘ongoing small projects to increase security and protect and preserve the new facilities’? My interpretation is that these would be capital projects, and there is no information provided to note that any of this funding is related to technology. Please provide a prioritized list of these ‘ongoing small projects.’

Thanks for providing this information.