I have known my friend Rick Hughes for over forty years. Although we grew up in different regions, from early childhood we have been linked by Orcas Island. Now we both consider ourselves lucky to call this island home. I am happy to endorse and recommend Rick for the county council.

Rick has always had what my mother called “the gift of the gab.” He loves meeting people, finding common cause with them and building connections. Through his business and family, he is rooted in the Orcas Island community.

Although at times he and I have disagreed on political issues, I have always found Rick to be willing to listen to alternate points of view. He is able to enjoy even spirited debate while maintaining respect for those whose opinions differ from his own. Over the years I have seen his views evolve, informed by discussions, life experiences and reading. Rick has a passion for questions of governance and I find him to be very well-informed about the political issues of the day.

Rick is an honest man who is stepping forward in a true attempt to help his community in a role for which he is well-suited. I am confident he will put forth his best effort to move San Juan County forward. If elected, Rick will bring energy, passion, enthusiasm and integrity to his role as council member. Please consider casting your vote in his favor.

Thank you.

Max Hanson
Olga, WA