— from Stan & Gretchen Liebenberg —

We are writing in support of the candidacy of Bill Bangs for Commissioner of the Orcas Island Public Hospital District. Bill’s professional career activities, his thorough understanding of the complexities involved in the start-up of the proposed Hospital District, and his passion for the many details relating to the Hospital District make him an ideal person for this position.

Bill brings a wealth of experience that will benefit the governance of the new district. His background as a systems engineer enables him to focus on all aspects of the new district’s organizational structure and problems, and his previous skills as a successful negotiator will undoubtedly prove valuable as the new district begins operation and matures.

Bill is fiscally astute and believes that the tax levy rate can be kept below the maximum allowable rate. His goals are for Orcas residents to have the best possible medical care with seven-days-a-week urgent care, to ensure that ALL government and state-approved insurance is accepted, and to insist on financial transparency by the district.

Please join us in voting for Bill Bangs as Hospital Commissioner, Position 4, on your ballot.