— from Domenic Verbano —

Why is it that humanity can’t seem to shift our society to deal with the looming reality that we are irreparably destroying this planet by our culture and lifestyle? The Lifeforce of this world, itself, cannot take much more abuse. It is time to save our collective butts and have a real discussion, a societal shift away from our current practices that totally disregard the worth of other life.

Humanity is destroying the life support systems on this planet. It is hard to deny that. We see it all around us. The starfish, the sea anemones are dying off. I see this where I work. It is time, past time, to have a serious conversation about radically shifting the way we live. Do No Harm must become our motto and creed, to avert a catastrophe that many are calling the Sixth Mass Extinction.

We all spend way too much time collectively ignoring this reality. The new consciousness has to start somewhere. We have the conscious people on Orcas who could build the template for living consciously With the Earth, honoring all the other Life. Yes, it is a monumental problem, and one we need to solve.

What else could be so important?

It is time to put aside the Egos and all do our personal work that appears for us to do, to help save the living systems of this planet. We on Orcas have the conscious awareness in our community to pioneer a new template on how to live in harmony with all other life. This is needed now, we have help, but humanity must wake up and start living and practicing what we are preaching.

Going the way of the Dodo, silently, is not really an option. I put it to you all to wake up, come out of your emotional cradles, and look around and see what is happening to the Life around you, and what is important. Do you want to see this Earth preserved to the 7th generation? Then start Living It. Evolution is helping us, but we must Do The Work to change our minds and How We Live.