— from Paula Treneer —

Dear San Juan County Planning Commission:

I am writing in support of Docket 19-0002 because of its vital importance to the SJC planning process and the future of our habitat.  I am urging the Planning Commission to prioritize the consideration of this document and refer it to the SJC Council for consideration with a high priority (“A” would be my preference).  I respectfully disagree with the priority assigned to this item by the DCD.

In my opinion, a thorough buildout/capacity analysis is imperative for accurately assessing the carrying capacity of our beloved island.  If the planning process proceeds without a thoughtful consideration of the island buildout capacity, we risk losing the island character which brought many of us here, and, more importantly, we risk a continuation of island ecosystem deterioration and severe depletion of finite but critical resources such as water.

As a co-applicant, I am extremely disappointed in the lack of notice given regarding the consideration of Docket 19-0002 at the May 17 meeting, which I am now unable to attend due to only finding out about it at the last minute, through “the grapevine.”  I would have appreciated receiving adequate notice of discussion of Docket 19-0002.