As the current President of the Orcas Island Farmers Market I would like to take this opportunity to respond to Carol Ann Anderson’s letter from July 23.

In that Letter to the Editor Carol Ann expressed her frustration with her experience last Saturday at the Market and in the end my directive that she remove her EWUA Board Recall campaign materials and signage. Carol stated that she believed that her booth met the Market’s criteria that Non Profit vendors booths be information sharing/educational and that
her right to Free Speech was denied.

I understand her frustration with my decision. I also hear that she felt like I was influenced by her fellow EWUA board members who are the subject of her Recall campaign. Maybe so, but truly my primary concern and explicit intention was to honor the spirit of the Market as developed over the years and guided by our Mission Statement and Rules and Regulations.

The mission of the Orcas Island Farmers Market is to provide a safe and harmonious environment where individuals, businesses, independent organizations, and other appropriate vendors can offer goods, and services to the public. Over the years much thought has been devoted to the vendor criteria and review. In the case of Non Profit and Other organizations our language is indeed very brief and general. It simply states that these vendors need to be information sharing / educational. Historically, we have typically selected against local political candidates, and against local political causes. We do not want to sponsor such within what we consider and nurture as a neutral ground where we celebrate the creative expressions of ourOrcas community.

We have encouraged political candidates, and those with political causes to feel free to circulate within the Market, discuss their issues, collect signatures etc. We have asked that this be done in a manner which is respectful of the tone of the Market environment.

In the case of this past Saturday, we missed what the focus was of Carol Ann’s recall booth during the application review process. The political focus of this booth request slipped between the cracks. Our Market Manager intervened early, tactfully, and gracefully, seeking to hold a place for both view points and hosting the neutral ground. I, on the other hand, felt like the situation was not harmonious and not an appropriate fit for the Market. I then spoke with Carol Ann, stated my viewpoint and thought we had an understanding. Clearly that was not the case and I apologize for the misunderstandings which ensued.

Moving forward, the Farmers Market Board will develop more clear language regarding our non-profit vendor criteria. It is on our Fall agenda when we will have time to devote to this effort. I hope everyone can learn from this and move forward without harboring ill feelings and with lessons learned all the way around!


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