— from Greg Ayers —

To sign, or not to sign. That IS the question. As a candidate in November, this is a struggle, I have been considering the pros and cons for weeks. Supporters have requested signs, so what I am to do? The largest question — do yard signs match our rural island culture?

Yard signs are a part of our electoral history. They bring awareness to the political process and have resulted in phrases such as “I like Ike” and logos like Obama’s “O” pathway to the future. I remember as a child going to the voting booth with Mom, passing signs for all the candidates. I joined her placing signs in the ground when she ran for mayor. It is Americana. We should all vote. Engaging and educating our voters is critical. I am thankful for our local media and organizations like the League of Women’s Voters that continually help us do just that, but is that enough?

With the digital era in our county, we no longer have “election day”. We now have “voting weeks.” Awareness that there is an election is now a month-long process. Voters should promptly seek information about candidates. With their durability throughout the election cycle, these signs play a role in meeting this important need.

As your candidate running to lead the Port of Orcas into its next chapter, I am taking this election period as an opportunity for people to learn about myself, but also to raise awareness of our political process.