Thank you to all who came out to watch the documentary, Discover the Gift, on a magical, blustery Orcas Island evening.

If you missed it, you can rent it online. I highly recommend anyone who didn’t get out on Sunday night to watch it.

Wow! What a beautiful time we had. Inspired by stories, spiritual messages, motivational teachers, and others, who encouraged us to unwrap the gifts that we are—and to tap into the great resources and energies we all have to share.

After the film we did a guided meditation where we imagined how perfectly aligned we feel, when our gifts are activate and shared, and when those gifts are cherished and celebrated by those around us.

In the meditation, we felt the joy, peace, fulfillment and upliftment that comes from living in a community where everyone is encouraged to share their gifts, and in which all gifts are recognized, celebrated, and realized. We imagined what it feel like to live in such a community, and visualized ourselves living, working, and thriving in that community.

We allowed ourselves to feel the bliss and joy that arises when everyone in a community freely shares their gifts and all gifts are recognized and considered valuable.

After the meditation, we drew mandalas that represented our meditation experience, and then shared our mandalas with the group.

One participant shared that her gift is to hold sacred space for others—which she does by sharing her house and garden, and I might add, constantly in her everyday life. Whenever I see her, one on one, and in groups, she seems to be holding that sacred space, and is always such a calming presence.

On the surface, her gift and the expression of it, might seem simple, but this gift of holding of space for others, is so crucially necessary and needed at this time. As the mere presence of these sacred space holders helps everyone around them feel safe and surrounded by positive energy and love, we can feel safe enough to step into the, sometimes vulnerable place, of sharing our deepest essence and truth.

Every gift is valuable and every gift needed at this time.

Thank you also to Ezekiel for being the constant love-light sacred space holder, cosmic usher, that you are.

Thank you to the creators of the film Shajen Joy Azia and Demian Lichtenstein, and also, to the forces of love and light within all of us that constantly say, “YES! YES! YES! I will share my gifts, and be a light unto world.”

Here’s a link to the trailer.  And the website to rent it.

Heych’ka Siem (Thank You to the Most High)
Samara Shaw