If San Juan County is going to have better ferry service, state funds for important projects and advocates for other critical islands issues, we need County Council Members who maintain relationships with key state officials. This however must be more than just our supportive State Representatives, Senator or key Agency leads. What we need are County Council Members who are also willing to spend considerable time in Olympia and, when necessary, in other Legislative Districts, building and maintaining relationships with other critical decision-makers.  This is not just a phone call or just going to Olympia when the Association of Counties holds their lobby day, and dozens of county officials swarm the capital for 15-minute meetings.  What is required of our County Council is that they spend significant time at the Capital so that they are present when state officials have the time to listen to our island needs and more importantly, come to recognize and trust the messenger.  

In the past twenty years, there is no San Juan County official who has spent more time in Olympia than Rick Hughes.  There is a direct correlation between the personal relationships our county officials maintain with state officials and the level of service we receive. When I was our State Senator there were several occasions when I would randomly bump into Rick at the capital.  I would say, “Rick? I am so sorry; I didn’t know we had a meeting today!” Rick would respond, “We don’t, I am here to meet with the Chair of the Transportation Committee about our ferry service.” This happened on several occasions. So much so in-fact that on two occasions I walked into a restaurant for a meal with some fellow Senators and was shocked to see my San Juan County Council Member sitting there with other legislators talking about island issues – making sure they not only understood, but genuinely appreciated our unique island needs. 

I cannot underscore how critical this work is.  For San Juan County to be successful, we must have County Council Members who spend significant time advocating for us far outside of this county… and it must be in person and not just for a hearing!  Far more important than a Zoom meeting or attending a hearing are the random deeper conversations you can have in the hallway or off campus.   

Rick Hughes not only knows how to do this and will hit the ground running, but he has maintained all of these relationships. It is why he is endorsed by our full state delegation and many more state leaders.  

If we want better Ferry service and state support for our natural resources, economic drivers and more, we must elect the candidate who knows what the job requires and how to do it… and has proven he is willing to spend dozens of days a year off island powerfully advocating for us.


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