— from Timothy P. Blanchard —

Decisions about the Orcas Airport will have a dramatic impact on the character of our community. That is why I support Greg Ayers for Port Commissioner. 

Greg understands the need for transparency, honest communications, and proper procedure under Washington’s open meetings and public records laws. In his professional life, Greg has many years of experience working with Federal agencies navigating regulatory requirements and interpretations with major financial implications. I have worked with Greg on complex practical and regulatory issues and believe that his experience and no-nonsense manner is exactly what we need to assure the responsiveness of the port to community concerns, instead of the mission creep and empire-building aspirations evident in the development of the Port Master Plan. 

As an engineer and physician, Greg’s problem-solving approach starts with properly identifying the problem to be addressed, doing his homework, reviewing relevant data, and listening to stakeholder concerns. Perhaps more important, Greg recognizes that every islander is a stakeholder and that most islanders do NOT want a bigger airport or to lose the special character of our airport, which greets our visitors and welcomes home islanders, like me, who frequently rely on Kenmore for business travel.

The current threat to our Eastsound Airport represents an important component the greater fundamental problem facing Orcas Island –- destruction of the very rural character that has always drawn people to visit and make their homes here.

Please join me in voting for Greg Ayers for Port Commissioner to protect the irreplaceable rural character of Orcas.