— from Bob Phalan —

I have spoken multiple times with folks at the county about a very serious problem with Enchanted Forest Road. Heading west just past Beach Haven Road there is a flat road and then a steep downhill just east of my driveway at 2622 Enchanted Forest Road.

I have owned and lived on this property for nearly 29 years. In that time I can count at least 12 times when a vehicle has gone into the ditch. 

Let me explain. As you come over the hill the driver loses site of the road (over their hood) briefly because the hill is so steep. The problem is that at that exact moment the road is only 7’4” to the center line. To complicate matters even further there is NO SHOULDER. There is very soft grass but if your tire hits the grass you get sucked in to a 3’ deep ditch. There is very little chance to escape as many have discovered.

I brought this issue to the attention of public works as well as the county commissioners via phone calls over the years.

About 18 or so months ago I met with Commissioner Hughes along with a county engineer and showed them (with a tape measure) the issue. They agreed at that time there was a problem and that they would get it fixed…probably “when the culvert project on West Beach Road is underway.” At that time I told them that someone was going to get killed if this was not remedied. Two trucks could not pass each other in that spot.

Meanwhile, I purchased a reflective pole and put it on the edge of the ditch so drivers could see it over their hood and would have a reference to avoid the ditch. It was effective since it was installed as there have been no accidents since.

On Monday the 22nd of April someone removed the pole. On Tuesday the 23rd a water truck traveling west half loaded had its tires hit the soft ground. The driver struggled for about 50’ or so to get back on the road but his right front wheel got “sucked into” the ditch. The driver corrected, the tire came out but in so doing flipped the truck on its side, skidded and ended up across the street, crashing into the south side of the road. (See photos)

It was literally a miracle that #1 the driver was not killed and #2 that someone wasn’t coming the other way—walking, biking or driving. 2622 Enchanted Forest Road is between West Beach Resort and Beach Haven Resort. We have constant foot traffic in this area.

I am beyond frustrated. Something needs to be done. A simple culvert in the ditch covered over with solid material would easily solve the problem.
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to a response.