— from Ginna Magee —

As someone who spends about 70% of my limited income on rent and utilities, I am writing in support of the Yes for Homes referendum that will be on the ballot in November.

There are too many people that live and work on this island that don’t have housing stability due to the shortage of affordable year-round rentals or homes for sale priced within reach of low to middle income buyers. They have to move frequently as the rental/housing market shifts with the seasons, landlords selling, conversion to vacation rentals, etc.

They work hard to serve the community, their kids go to the schools here, and their jobs are an essential part of support for the tourist industry, the rapidly growing elder population, the maintenance of off-islanders’ second homes, and the infrastructure that makes this island function.

Affordable housing is an important foundation for a successful island balance of workers-who-help and people-who-need-help.