I am one of the fortunate few who managed to get an appointment for my first COVID-19 Vaccination last Friday, January 29 at the Orcas Center. I write to express my appreciation to the San Juan County Department of Health Professionals, the Orcas Fire and Rescue personal and other community volunteers who organized and staffed that event. I showed up for my appointment, was warmly greeted by a masked person holding a clipboard, checked in and told exactly what each step of the procedure was and then courteously instructed at each stage amongst other masked recipients – all appropriately socially distanced, standing on the taped x’s on the floor.

The nurse who administered my injection was a real expert –- I hardly felt the needle. Then I was instructed to sit for 15 minutes before leaving to make sure that I didn’t have any adverse reactions (they had trained Emergency Personnel on hand if that were to happen) and watched an instructional video they had prepared, filled with useful information about the Vaccine and any potential symptoms that might occur over the next few days.

I was very impressed with the thought that these folks had put into creating the safest and gentlest way to get us vaccinated, while treating all of us with care and respect. I say, WELL DONE TO ALL!