||| from Eric Gourley |||

I read with interest the WSDOT Ferry explanation for their inexcusable delays. Laying the blame on Covid 19, increased ridership, insufficient crews, unscheduled maintenance, and lack of revenue inadequately explains its problems. Even before Covid 19 I can’t remember when any ferry trip was on time. A wordy letter to appease riders has not done anything to solve the problems.

We are full time residents on Orcas. I had surgery at Island Hospital yesterday, 8/20, and booked the 8:55 run to Anacortes and the 7:10 for our return. The Hospital offered us a medical pass but since we had a reservation, I declined. As it turns out a medical pass would not have done us any good. Our 8:55 as usual left 15 minutes late. The 7:10 did not leave until 11:15. We watched the 9:05 scheduled boat actually leave about 15 minutes before us around 11. We arrived at our home near Rosario at 12:45 this morning, 8/21. Is there something wrong with this picture?

The reservation system is also deficient. I almost always have to get up at 7 in the morning to make a reservation on the two week or two day tier. Many times I end up with my reservation “processing,” waiting several minutes, and getting kicked out having to start all over again.

We full time residents on the Island deserve better service. WSDOT has us over a barrel. We cannot come and go as part of the “highway” system without a ferry. Having lived on Orcas for over 20 years, service has declined year by year. To get home at 12:45 am speaks volumes to my point. Friends and neighbors warned us about the dreaded 7:10. This was not an unusual circumstance. It is a poorly managed system only getting worse.

I hesitated to write this letter to Orcas Issues. However, if we do not let our concerns be known, there will be no record to support our claims. I urge Orcas ferry users to address the substandard ferry service every time they encounter a problem. For me I will let our commissioners and state senator know as well.