— from Marcia West —

Asking voters to voluntarily raise their taxes is stressful for everyone.

You, and the commissioners asking you to approve the levy, are property owners and we are well aware that a “yes” vote impacts individuals and families, not just organizational operating budgets.

The fact that over 70% of Orcas Island voters affirmed the importance of restoring Buck Park, and sustaining a robust recreational program for all, speaks volumes about who we are as a community. We take care of our own!

Thank you to the voters and a special thank you to the almost 25 community and business volunteers reviewed and advised on six years of projected budget and strategy to help OIPRD build a solid financial plan for the six-year term of this levy.

A big shout out also to those who setup our Friends of Orcas Park and Rec Facebook page and kept us live on social media.

With appreciation and gratitude,

Commissioners – Bob Eagan, Martha Farish, Vicki Vandermay,
Justin Paulsen, and Deb Jones
Marcia West, Director and Kim Ihlenfeldt, Program Coordinator