— from Janice Wiemeyer —

On Sunday, July 24, my grandson was married at Odd Fellows Hall. He and his now wife are from Salt Lake City as were most of the family and friends. It was a beautiful wedding.

But, fifteen minutes before the ceremony, they received a message from the DJ saying he’d been in an accident the previous day and would not be able to make it. No time to figure out an alternative.

Somehow the situation was posted on the internet and after a time of uncertainty and anxiety about how to have music for dancing they received a call. Bruce Pavitt, DJ extraordinaire, agreed to come and provide the music.

They were complete strangers to him, he had no time for preparation or for dinner. He “read” the crowd masterfully and saved the day for this couple and their guests.

None of us there will ever forget this kind gesture or the fun we had. Thanks Bruce.