— from Steve & Marla Johns —

Vehicle accident on Buck Mt. Road injures teenager

Vehicle accident on Buck Mt. Road injures teenager

On the afternoon of Friday, May 9th, we received a call no parent wants to receive….there’s been an accident. Our son had lost control of his car, rolling it on Buck Mountain Rd. We were both on scene before the fire department was able to extricate him from the vehicle and watched the process unfold. We watched as our friends and neighbors tended to his needs, and to ours. As decisions were made about where to transport him, how to transport him, and what needed to be done; we simply said “we trust you with our son, do what needs done.” Not only did they take care of him, but of us as well.

Thanks to everyone who was there that day, and to all those who helped train the first responders for preparedness. Brian Morriarty of Century Link happened upon the accident scene while working. Brian made sure paramedics were called and stayed with our son until help arrived. Thank you Brian for your fast response and for holding his hand. To Deputy Harvey, thank you for coming in early to investigate the crash and take over the shift so we could both be with our family. Thank you to the medical director of OIFR, Dr. Sullivan, for overseeing his medical treatment prior to transport. To the members of OIFR who worked to get him out of the car and provided treatment: Dave Mowrey (first on scene, a special thanks to you), Chief O’Brien, Patrick Shepler, Nick Kininski, Rita Harvey, Greg Ayers, Jim Schuh, Bob Nutt, Maria Nutt, Hilary Canty, Dwight Guss, Geoff Nelson, and Paul Carrick.

Thanks to all of you, he walked out of the hospital that night. A lot sore, a lot bruised, and a lot grateful. We are forever indebted to you.