— from Ken Speck, President, Orcas Family Health Center —

This is a huge “thank you” to the many people who have responded to our request for funds to support the continuation of Orcas Family Health Center (OFHC). I am very pleased to tell you OFHC has received $145,000 to date insuring that we will be able to operate through our fiscal year which ends mid-September 2018.

We will gladly accept any donations to achieve our goal of $175,000 so please continue your support in any way you can. You can keep track of our success by watching the big thermometer at the clinic entrance on Mt Baker Road or check out our website www.orcasfamilyhealthcenter.org.

This has been a tremendous outpouring of support by Orcas Islanders and even people from the mainland. Our pledge is to continue our “Care For All” program serving everyone regardless of insurance or ability to pay as that has always been our mission.

Please attend the Orcas Coalition For Health Care meeting on January 24 and lend your support to the discussion favoring an Orcas Hospital Taxing District. A taxing district would be beneficial to our entire community to support all health care for Orcas Island. We urge you to learn how this helps us get 24/7 health care for islanders and visitors to our beautiful island.