— from Liza Michaelson, Lovel Pratt, and Shaun Hubbard —

130 people and 15 organizations joined San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping to march under the banners, “Orca Protectors” and ”Protect What you Love” in the Friday Harbor July 4th parade. We carried a life-size dorsal fin for every living member of J, K, and L pods, plus seven white “ghost” fins for the pod members who died in 2016. We also carried larger than life puppets of sea creatures and salmon; and the many children in our group carried a huge planet earth.

It was powerful to come together on behalf of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. We enjoyed enthusiastic support from the bystanders and were awarded the Judge’s Special Choice award.

Our thanks to:
• Center for Whale Research • Friends of Lime Kiln Society • Friends of the San Juans • Orca Behavior Institute • Orca Conservancy • Orca Network • Orca Relief Citizens’ Alliance • Orcasound.net • Pacific Whale Watch Association • Salish Sea Association of Marine Naturalists • Salish Sea Ecosystems Advocates • SeaSound.org • Soundwatch • The Whale Museum • Whale Scout

For more information: www.islandersforsafeashipping.org/orca-protectors