— from Pamela Doerr —

On behalf of the residents of the Longhouse and our local businesses, including Islander’s Bank located within the vicinity of the corners of Prune Alley and Fern Streets I want to personally thank you for the wonderful job which your departments successfully completed to alleviate the build-up of water which accumulated by the down flow from both the library and school district properties. We no longer have to ice-skate nor wade across the Longhouse parking lot entry and the walkway which accommodates visitors, clients and residents who frequent the area. Actually, I understand from a spokesperson, it’s all headed out to sea.

The respect for residents and businesses, while accomplishing the task to rebuild the flood control infrastructure was overwhelming. San Juan County employees worked within this geographically constrained landscape and politely allowed residents and customers to continue their lives while interfacing with heavy equipment, road workers and removal trucks.

The dialogue which the supervisors and workers shared was very positive and indicative of the manner in which San Juan County has the ability to accomplish both its present and future goals. I will also share this compliment with Islander’s Bank, the management of the Longhouse and chamber of commerce so that we may continue to work together in a positive manner. Thank you again for engineering a successful project on all of our behalf.