— from Patrick Timmins —

I’m writing this letter in support of Ron Krebs for San Juan County Sheriff. I attended the League of Women Voters of the San Juans on Orcas and was able to hear both Sheriff Nou and Ron Krebs give their speeches.

I was bothered by Sheriff Nou’s lack of enthusiasm to his job. I was really bothered by his lack of remorse to a question one resident asked him pertaining to the lack of law enforcement coverage on Lopez for one or two nights. To me this is unacceptable. We, the residents of San Juan County, deserve law enforcement coverage 24/7 even if it means the sheriff or under sheriff get out and conduct patrols.

Ron Krebs plan was simple, “Get out and patrol if he needs to.” While that may be perceived as a simplistic response, the Sheriff is still a certified law enforcement officer in the state. Sheriff Nou seemed to brush questions off while Ron Krebs was more aggressive in his responses. When Ron Krebs was asked how he would deal with the increased drug activities in the area, Mr. Krebs said ” I would park my patrol car in front of the house.” Some may say this is extreme. I simply took it more as he would stress an aggressive community policing policy.

Ron Krebs acknowledged the lack of communication between the Sheriffs office and the community and stated he would hold Town Hall meetings throughout the Islands if need be to address and try to fix or the communities concerns.

Like others I have been reading a lot of letters online from current and former Sheriffs Department employees listing their concerns with the current Sheriff and endorsing Ron Krebs. While some may take these letters as complaining “or disrespecting Sheriff Nou” I take it as there is a serious problem in the Sheriffs Department and these employees want effective leadership and don’t feel they have it with Sheriff Nou. The employees feel there is such a problem that the San Juan County Sheriffs Guild voted to endorse Ron Krebs in this election. This is more or less a vote of no confidence in their current leader Sheriff Nou.

I was able to speak with both Sheriff Nou and Ron Krebs about the lack of manning and the possibility of instilling a Reserve Program. Sheriff Nou seemed supportive but not interested while Ron Krebs said if elected, there will be a Reserve program to help with the extra manning and to better assist the residents of San Juan County. This is a cost efficient program that will better the residents of san Juan County. Ron told me he wants to update training, policies and bring back trust to the Sheriffs Department

I believe in Ron Krebs’ leadership abilities to better the Sheriffs Department both professionally and boost the morale amongst the Sheriffs Department employees.

Ron will bring a strong positive customer service approach to the residents of San Juan County. I believe Ron Krebs is a very humble man and will work hard for everyone in San Juan county and will put the residents needs first and foremost. I feel he will seek input from the Sheriffs Department staff and will strive to work in partnership with them.

It’s obvious Ron Krebs wants to prove himself to us and to the employees of the Sheriffs Department. It is apparent that Ron wants to bring back our trust in our Sheriffs Department under his leadership.

Please join me in endorsing and voting for Ron Krebs.

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