— from Sharon Abreu —

The first full day of the new presidential administration saw at least one million people join the Washington, DC demonstration in marches around the country, and many others joined demonstrations around the world. It is estimated that five million people participated worldwide.

A resounding message of opposition to hatred, bigotry, misogyny, sexism, and xenophobia permeated these rallies. Between 1500-1800 people attended the march in Friday Harbor, probably the largest such action ever in Friday Harbor. Many islanders attended the march in Seattle, including a busload of 55 islanders organized by Marcy Hahn, who were part of an estimated crowd of 130,000. The biggest demonstration of all was in Washington, DC, where perhaps half a million marched.

As an offshoot of the Washington, DC march, the organization there has sent out a campaign of 10 actions you can take in the next 100 days to counter the Trump administration.

It is obvious that people are going to stand up for protecting our rights and for positive change. Our Revolution will be part of that fight. Now is the time for us all to be leaders and to set aside our minor differences, to stand in support of one another, and especially to stand with those who are most vulnerable. This was only the first full day; there will be many more such days in the future where all of you will be needed.

Thanks so much in advance for staying engaged and active.