— from YMCA Camp Orkila Staff and Annual Campaign Team–

Every YMCA program, including summer camp at Orkila, comes with the promise that, “All are welcome. Financial assistance is available.” This promise affords every child the opportunity to live in community with a close-knit group of peers, engage with positive adult role models, gain self-confidence and friendship skills, and learn both independence and interdependence.

Last week 20 volunteers and their families gathered to “kick off” the Annual Campaign, the effort that brings to life that promise of financial assistance. The positive energy and can-do spirit in the room was unmistakable.
We’d like to thank everyone who takes part in the Annual Campaign each year. Especially to the captains and the many campaigners who make the month of pledging possible: It’s all possible because of you!

In the next month, when a volunteer asks you to support kids in this way, please give generously. Many of our community leaders have already pledged from the heart, and we thank them. Whatever you can give will be put to good use as soon as possible.