— from Brian Wiese —

I’ve gotten to know Rick Hughes over the past couple of years, mainly as Council liaison to the Land Bank Commission. But it seems like every community meeting I attend, Rick is there; so I’ve had opportunities to talk with him on a range of community issues, from natural open space and farmland preservation, to affordable housing, to Eastsound planning and design.

I’m impressed by how much time and effort Rick puts into covering the issues that are important to all of us, whether sharing his views and informing folks of his efforts or just listening to his constituents. I also impressed with how much he actually gets done: pushing forward on county road and Eastsound street improvements, securing funding for additional ferry parking, Senior Center renovations and rebuilding the Exchange, meeting with other county and state officials to build support coalitions for funding and public lands, and, just last week, making a pop-up public park out of the vacant county lot in the middle of town.

I am confident that Rick is going to continue to work hard and find solutions to the issues that are important to us as a community. He has my vote.

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