— from Sadie Bailey —

To the most recent person who hit my parked car without even leaving a note;

You’re not the first. You most likely had a large, high truck with a trailer tow-ball hookup. My car is a 1985 toyota tercel wagon, grey-brown. Old, yes, but the only car I have had for 8 years.

You probably thought, like all the others, “That’s just an old island beater. One more dent won’t matter.” Did you ever stop to think that most of the dents on my old beater were caused by people like you? Guess what? It matters to me!

Here’s the damage you caused this time with that “one little dent” – My hood will no longer open, nor the hood mechanism engage. The hood is bent and looks as if someone tried to crowbar it open on both sides. My grill is broken. My right front headlight is bent inward, as is the inner frame under the hood – this may affect my night driving visibility.

The last person who hit-and-run my car messed up my passenger door so it wouldn’t open. I had to do a self-fix with a crowbar, chipping off paint and creating a rust spot, and a door that still won’t really open well.

Did it occur to you that this “beater” is the only car I have? That I can’t afford another? That I LIKE my car, and am trying to keep it running? That I don’t have the money to fix this damage?

My beloved little old toyota is built like a tank – not some cheaply made tin-can of today. You have to hit it hard to even make a dent.

You could have done the right thing – insured or not. You could have left me a note with your name and number, and an offer to help me pay for repairs. You could have at least said “sorry.” You still can – if you have a conscience, and some courage — 376-3796.