Monday, December 15, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the Orcas Island Library

— from Bruce J. Stedman, Executive Director, Orca Relief Citizens’ Alliance

~ Hosted by Bruce & Christina Orchid ~

We all know how serious the situation is for these whales which are iconic throughout the Puget Sound. Although the Southern Resident Killer Whales have been declared endangered, and some protections are in place, the health of the Puget Sound Orca population is worsening, and the population continues to decline. With the death last week of a pregnant female, only 77 remain.

To help prevent the extinction of the Southern Residents, Orca Relief Citizens’ Alliance is calling on the federal government to establish a Whale Protection Zone off the west side of San Juan Island. A WPZ will reduce the noise and disturbance these whales experience from motorized whale-watching boats from May to October. We believe the creation of a WPZ is the best plan to avoid continued short-term losses, and perhaps their extinction.

To jump-start the WPZ creation process, Orca Relief has developed its own ideas, with input from external experts in marine ecology and regulation, on how a WPZ would best be designed, managed and enforced. To hear about these ideas and help us take the next steps toward establishing a WPZ, please join us at the Orcas Island Library this coming Monday night with our honored hosts, Christina and Bruce Orchid.

In advance, thank you for your ongoing support of the Southern Resident Orca and the establishment of a Whale Protection Zone on their behalf.