— from Sandy Strehlou —

This morning I woke up to read the following comment on a FaceBook thread. In sum, the writer was expressing glee that San Juan Sun Grown is closing its doors and just laid off 16 employees:

“YAY!! Minority opinion anymore but this kind of thing [SJSG] is not good for a lot of different people and reasons. Yep, I’m that gal.”

Regardless of how you feel about legalizing recreational cannabis or cannabis farming, the loss of 16 jobs is devastating for the workers and has real implications for our community

Besides being our neighbors and deserving of our support, their wages are important for the local economy. The dollars they earn support local businesses and support yet other workers jobs and families. It paid their rent and mortgages. The now unemployed workers were young and old, people who got up every day and went to work. They deserve our respect and empathy, just as we felt for the employees of Downriggers when the fire happened.

San Juan Sun Grown also contributed to the local economy by purchasing materials locally, hiring a construction crew and farm and processing workers and paying into Social Security and other taxes. On San Juan Island a workforce of 16 is significant.

This is just one of the many outcomes caused by the political, legal and economic attack on our local cannabis farms, farmers, their families and employees.

So no matter how one feels about marijuana, please understand that what has happened, what is still happening, and what is at stake is more far-reaching than a momentary high.Regardless of how you feel about legalizing recreational cannabis or cannabis farming, the loss of 16 jobs is devastating for the workers and has real implications for our community.

( To read the original article which prompted the response, go to sanjuanislander.com/agriculture/16-people-jobless-after-pot-farm-closes )