— by Michel Vekved —

An Enchanted Evening Dinner is this Saturday in connection with Solar for Our Schools. Tickets are $25 and available at Darvills and Orcas Island Food Co-op.

Join us for a four course dinner with the lively Crow Valley String Band. Students are volunteering their time to serve this four-course meal prepared by Gretchen Allison and orchestrated by Nichole Maher of Island Chef Services. Sneak peek auction items are being listed on our Facebook page and if you like our page you could win 2 FREE tickets to dinner!  Time is of the essence!

The Solar for Our Schools is also a grateful participant in the GIVE ORCAS www.giveorcas.org  holiday event. Please consider making your contribution on Friday when OICF will be partially matching funds. That’s a triple play for Solar for Our Schools because we are striving to match the $10,250 contribution from Odd Fellows.

Questions? Please call or email 376-6621 or solar@sjislandscd.org

(Michel Vekved is Outreach and Education Coordinator, Community Solar for Our Schools! for the
San Juan Islands Conservation District.)