Dear Community,

We are writing in support of Ron Krebs for Sheriff.

We are supporting Ron because we feel he would be a positive leader of the Sheriff’s Department and we are confident Ron would be able to lead our county effectively and with integrity.

One issue that concerned us under the past leadership is the crash of the Guardian boat on Sept 8th, 2012. It was brought to our attention that an investigation was never conducted by the department, and the Sheriff never went to the scene. The boat incurred over $150,000 in damages and one person was injured.

We think a committed, caring leader, like Ron Krebs, would have gotten out of bed and gone to the scene, been involved in the rescue of the eleven people that took hours to complete.

More than two years later we are told there are still no policies or training programs to prevent an accident like this from happening again.Why? The Guardian accident cost this county, and us, the taxpayers, a lot of money.It could easily happen again because no policies or procedures have been implemented to prevent it.

We deserve a leader who cares about his constituents and recognizes the potential for serious problems, someone who is willing to be proactive and try to reduce the chances of history repeating itself by implementing guidelines. Sheriff Nou has elected not to do anything about these problems.

The boat accident is not the only disturbing incident the current Sheriff has declined to be involved with. There have been suspicious deaths that the Sheriff or other senior staff have not attended after they were notified. Severe manpower issues created by poor scheduling and hiring practices. Orcas and Lopez are often under-staffed. And a pattern of absence from the office leading to a break down in leadership and respect.

Without a solid leader in charge of our law enforcement office, someone who has the respect of his co-workers and subordinates, the problems in this county will continue unchecked. We need someone who realizes that keeping people safe on the roadways is important, but that there are other issues equally as important that need to be addressed. We believe Ron has the work ethic, common sense, and caring attitude for this position.

That is why we are confident that the plans Ron Krebs has laid out for improving the Sheriff’s Office, implementing updated policies and procedures, holding everyone to a higher standard, and working hand in hand with other agencies and our community leaders, will make him an effective leader and will restore our confidence in the Sheriff’s Office.

We believe Ron Krebs will uphold the “To Protect And Serve” motto and make our county a better place.

Please join us in voting for Ron Krebs for Sheriff.

Tim and Rene Polda, Friday Harbor