— from Velma Doty —

To Those Who Care: I want send a message about the current and past medical issues.

Times have changed since a group of islanders gathered together and formed the Medical Building Association that has maintained a facility to offer opportunities for us to have medical care for more than 60 years.

Their challenge has changed and grown over the years but the boards of the old and now the current Orcas Medical Foundation remains constant. To insure Orcas has a facility and health care options. A task dealt with like no others.

In recent years with other options being offered privately, efforts have been made more than once to bring the practices into a form that is sustainable for all. Once again this is a possibility.

We all recognize the modern technical knowledge that enables the quick transfer and access to consulting parties in addressing our medical needs. Some times absolutely vital. This is a major investment and can not keep pace on an individual scale.

One could relate as: When just married a small cabin will be sufficient / when the family has grown to several children the parents must see to the problems presented and seek solutions even to finding funds to change their situation.

The Orcas Medical Foundation has sought a solution by inviting UW Medical to assist in addressing the future of medical care for Orcas. This needs an investment from the owners which is US. I trust the OMF board to do their best, as others have in the past to seek the best continuing direction.

Not one of the doctors now practicing on the island can solely be the solution or will be here in the decades coming. The OMF was formed following in the foot steps of the original Medical Building Association. The goals to insure we have a facility to offer and assistance to maintain health care for our island are the same.

I ask you to let them know that goal is still what we need by helping fund the gap to get us beyond the band aid approach. Many tho small make mighty.