— from Barbara Bedell —

On May 6, the passage of Proposition 1 and the certification of the San Juan County Fire Protection District #2 Maintenance of a Regular Property Tax Levy took effect, thus concluding months of hard work on the part of many people who were dedicated to ensuring that the Levy passed. The maintenance of the Levy was crucially important to the continuation of the outstanding services Orcas Island Fire and Rescue provides to this island, not only now but well into the future.

I want to acknowledge the members of the Levy Committee who gave tirelessly of their time and expertise; the numerous residents who wrote letters to the media, letters that were often quite moving; the editors of the Sounder and Orcas Issues who supported the levy; the endorsers whose names appeared in one of the advertisements; the callers who canvassed the island and answered questions; the individuals who provided photographs for the mailers; and the members of OIF&R who keep our island safe. You are all extraordinary.”

To the islanders who voted “yes,” thus indicating their trust and faith in the Department and the Commission, I want to extend my special thanks. To those residents who voted “no” and who had legitimate doubts and questions about the amount of the Levy, I want these voters to know that the Commission takes their concerns very seriously. Furthermore, the Commission will make every effort to demonstrate to all island voters that taxpayer dollars are being spent carefully and responsibly and to operate in a publicly transparent manner to ensure that the Fire Department is efficient and effective.

In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation to my fellow Commissioners Jim Coffin and Clyde Duke. Their support and their commitment were invaluable. And to Fire Chief Kevin O’Brien, whose integrity, dedication, and strong sense of community in no small part made the passage of the Levy a reality, I am grateful beyond words.

Barbara G. Bedell is Chair of the Board of Fire Commissioners
San Juan County Fire Protection District #2