But the Binfords will stay
— from Charles & Valerie Binford —

After 18 years of serving our many guests from around the world, The Place At Cayou Cove is closing its doors. The time has come for Valerie and Charles to have a vacation of their own. The list of people and businesses on Orcas Island that helped us along the way is too long to start here but we can say in all sincerity that we have never been disappointed with either the quality or the availability of goods and services we purchased locally. And to the friends we’ve made along the way, some of whom are former guests who decided to stay, we extend a heart-felt thanks for a great adventure and your loyalty.

We are very proud to have been a part of the history of Orcas Island and particularly proud to return the home that  Henry Cayou  built in 1913 to a residence for a family again. Some of the gardens still stand that were hand-picked and tended  by Emily Boddington Cayou. And is it true that maybe half the residents of Orcas that are in their 40’s and 50’s now either lived in or partied regularly when it was a boarding house called The Olympic Lodge? And now, The Place At Cayou Cove will be remembered as a  quiet and relaxing vacation getaway for thousands of guests in the years 1996 to 2014.

We will not leave Orcas Island. We love it here. In fact we don’t have to change either our  PO Box or our zip code in our new home. Again, our sincere thanks to all those who made us feel at home from day one in 1996.  Another era has just  ended and as always, another begins.

All the beat to all and an especially great upcoming holiday season.