— from Charles Carver —

Governance is an instrument of extraordinary potential to promote the welfare of the community. It can inspire, educate, forge a vision and the coalitions to implement it. Governance to do so, however, requires public officials of intelligence and imagination, individuals with a sense of the greater historical, political, cultural, social, environmental and economic context in which a community exists.

While San Juan County votes overwhelmingly progressive at higher levels of government, perplexingly, locally the vote most often mutates conservative and thus Mr. Hughes and Jarman. Both have been endorsed by SJC Republican Party which in its sensibility has also endorsed Donald Trump. Mr. Hughes and Jarman do not meet the criteria for public officials proposed above. They are not men of vision or imagination. They are agents of commerce, pro-growth advocates calling for increased densities, reportedly proposing to breakup agricultural lands while failing to disclose whether they will decrease densities elsewhere to assure adherence to the Vision Statement of our Comprehensive Plan. They have given us an exemption riddled Shoreline Plan with the narrowest buffers in Puget Sound. Can we expect these gentleman to offer “common sense” proposals to the use of the land when they have no sense of the commons? Not so far.

Pro-growth is not a vision because growth is already a reality. The vision is in how we grow and what we want to grow into. We face all of the same challenges that exist on the mainland, just on a smaller scale . Do we want more of everything on the mainland? More: noise, traffic, bigger bridges, wider roads, stoplights, big Box stores, more development and the consequent impact on the environment, more crime, poverty, homelessness, sexual assault, domestic abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, more of the disproportionate influence of the business sector on public policy and law enforcement’s perennial struggle to not become what it is supposed to protect us from. Do we want the growth of ‘trickle down economics’ where the emphasis is on the ‘trickle’ down to those of modest means and a rush of cash to the the upper economic strata of the community? Growth means our voices get smaller or that we have to shout louder. I have no confidence Mr. Hughes and Jarman can address these concerns. It’s not in their DNA. They see the world through an antiquated economic aperture, antiquated because the proposition of growth for the sake of growth is no solution to the problems growth has created, antiquated because growth as a concept and a reality has come face to face with the finite space and resources of this planet, our island earth, and the limits of it’s biological processes. Mr. Hughes and Jarman’s ‘vision’ is tunnel vision and consequently provides no sensible path forward.

Sustainability is the RE-emerging model, a model with a long history, and coupled with the language of the commons, appropriate technology and agriculture, social justice, the sciences of ecology, economic equity, alternative energy development, to name a few issues in the public forum, a new path forward is available to us. I am voting for Michael Durland of Orcas and Bill Watson of San Juan Island for County Council. They will bring bigger and more imaginative minds to governance locally and steer us toward the better possibilities of government.

Mr Hughes and Jarman will never be able to offer us anymore than ho-hum, good old boy government.