— from Michael Durland —

People are asking me, “What’s the deal?” Why am I not campaigning. Why do I not have a social media presence or website?

I am withholding my campaign until after the Primary Ballot August 2nd.

Four strong candidates have stepped up to challenge the incumbent in District 1 (San Juan Island). It is up to all San Juan County citizens to vote for the two of these five candidates that will be on the November Ballot for District 1. It is an important Primary to vote in if you want positive change in our County Council.

The Eagle Forum will host the candidates for District 1 this Wednesday the 13th at the Orcas Fire Station on Orcas Island. I encourage you to attend and ask questions of these candidates who stepped-up to challenge the incumbent and the status quo.

It is the local elections that determine property-rights, ecological preservation, what kind of economy we build, what your community will look like, how your public officials behave, the availability of work, housing, water, goods and services and the preservation or modification of the lifestyle that this area affords.

Please take your vote seriously and take this opportunity to hear and evaluate the Candidates before voting.

Mine will be a true grassroots campaign. I am not requesting campaign donations. I ask you to give me your support, pass the word, and vote for a positive change in our County Government.