— from Sam Genders —

I’m a quite well known UK songwriter making music under the name Diagrams. I recently recorded a new album of songs that I wrote with Dorothy Trogdon, a 90-year-old Orcas Island resident. She lives up near Doe Bay. I visited her there last summer and was blown away by the amazing beauty of your island.

The album Dorothy and I made is partly inspired by Orcas and the natural landscape. It’s been made with some amazing world class producers and musicians and is due to come out in the Spring.

I’m currently crowdfunding to raise funds to release the album and am trying to spread the word on Orcas. I’m in Sheffield in the UK and Dorothy is quite old now and far too humble to go around shouting about her wonderful talent!!

Here’s a link to the project – I’d love to know what you think. If you feel a bit worried about clicking on a link from someone you don’t know you can probably just find me or the project by googling Sam Genders, Diagrams, The Dorothy Project, Indiegogo or I’m on Facebook as Sam Genders or Diagrams.