— from Pat Littlewood —

Those of us who reside in our local community of Orcas Island are fortunate to live in a place that is comprised of a significant number of artists and performers, as well as those who appreciate the culture and spectrum of the arts. Most recently we were treated to an outstanding concert presented by Anthony Manuel and his company of “Island Inspiration All-Stars”, a talented group of inspired dancers who live on Orcas or the neighboring nearby islands.

Their concert presented at Orcas Center on April 28 and 29. “The Deja Vu Classics” was a spectacular collection of pieces, choreographed by Manuel, assisted by troupe member Tiffany Loney, and included group pieces, as well as solos, duets, and a wide selection of music from classical to rock, jazz, and folk. The performers also included a cast of youngsters, “The Shooting Stars,” led by Loney, charmed those of us in the audience with their talent, energy, and ability to overcome some difficult choreographic challenges. The costuming, by Manuel, Loney and Hailey Averna for the whole production, contributed to the outstanding visual scene for each piece and highlighted features of the choreography and patterns of the dances as they unfolded onstage. One of my favorites was a group of red-winged ladybugs who buzzed busily about while exploring the space, which was a hilarious contrast to a duet performed by one dancer in a traditional ballet tutu and toe shoes paired with a modern dancer in a costume with bare feet, leotard, and tights.

Dance has not been a significant part of our American culture, unfortunately, and it has not carried the customs and stories embodied in our heritage as it has done in many other countries in the world. Our Western practices tend more towards sports and games, which are also activities that stimulate the mind and body, and dance could be considered a part of that basic aspect of human nature.

In the words of Anthony Manuel, the All-Stars style derives from an African dance base, cross-pollinating with Ethnocentric dance forms as well as those of the Americas. According to Manuel: “The mission of The Island Inspiration All-Stars is to promote multicultural awareness and interaction within the island communities through diversified performances and weekly dance classes accessible to the public.” This seems to sum up their approach to dance with an all-inclusive invitation to our local community to participate, either as student, performer, audience, or all three.

There will be more productions of Anthony’s All-Stars in the near future, so don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this warm and dazzling family entertainment by some of our talented local, multi-generational dance whizzes.