— from Jane Alden —

It’s 2 p.m., July 4th, and from the front of Darvill’s Book Store, comes a soft, metallic, “tap, tap, tap.” A voice begins to read:

Declaration“In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. When in the Course of human events….” and five people begin to speak aloud the words of The Declaration of Independence, in conversational tones, in the front of Darvill’s Book Store.

The Speakers were: Catherine Laflin, Mike Bosworth, Melinda Milligan, Tom Fiscus, and me.
The reason I wanted to do this was because, after re-reading the Declaration a couple of days ago, I was struck by its brilliance, and, in the light of where we are now with our government, deep poignancy. It gets to the core of what human beings most desire in a government, and in how we desire to live on this planet, that it touches everyone.

And I believe we need to hear/read it frequently in order to remember what we determined for ourselves 240 years ago when we were at our best, newest, freshest, most hopeful, and most vulnerable.

The plan is to do this again next 4th, and to extend the readings to other venues as well.

A huge “Thank You” to Jenny for taking a chance on this at extremely short notice, and to the Speakers for their commitment, talent, and willingness.

E pluribus unum.