— by Richard Fadem —

The medics and fire department arrived about 6:30 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 19, to treat me following a compression fracture in the spine that left me helpless. They arrived very rapidly, and, choreographed perfectly, they went through their complex routine with the utmost professionalism and calm—so reassuring in themselves—and with kindness and the sort of good humor that are welcome in a crisis. They explained beforehand every step they took and why. They transported me with the greatest delicacy to the helicopter, repeatedly inquiring about my comfort. I was awake and fully conscious of their expertise and their concern. I understand that the Medics/Fire Department of Orcas welcome contributions to buy an important piece of equipment. I’m delighted to participate and hope that you and others on the island will join me. Until you need the medics, you don’t really know them, but then you will learn just how good they are– superbly trained, dedicated, and deserving of our generous support.