— from Ingrid Gabriel —

As someone who has worked in the political infield both in state and local government, in two states, for over 12 years, I have been through a few election cycles. Having seen my fair share of candidates, I can tell you that most first-time candidates seeking election believe, naively, that leaders just need to really understand issues to turn government around.

The candidate ran a profitable business, or had a successful career or is a strong advocate for a higher principle and, therefore, will be an effective leader. Once in office, the candidate is certain that his/her ideas and common sense will turn the whole ship around and smooth sailing will commence. Take a look in the paper or on-line and read a few of the letters written by both the candidates and their supporters.

Things are written like, “…his comprehension of the issues is deep and broad;” “He has done his homework;” And “I hope to bring trust in your government back to you.” If it were all that simple, someone else with “deep and broad” comprehension would have been elected decades ago and life would be eternally trouble free.

But, here’s the real deal … a lot of people are experts on the issues. The reality is that the job is far more complex than just grasping the issues. Every person elected to public office gets a shock when they learn that they have to find their way through a maze of state bureaucracies and legislation and funding.

Council members not only need to understand everything from telecommunications to finance to salmon recovery, they need to meet with their constituents and speak to the heart and soul of our community. They need to find a way forward even when everyone in the community doesn’t agree with each other. They need to be able to relate to the 4-H mom trying to fund a horse barn as well as tackling the serious environmental issues surrounding marine vessel traffic.

San Juan County requires representatives who can bring people from all sides of the table, locally, at the state level and federally, and that is a rare skill. That skill comes from real experience and not just developing a few good talking points for the campaign.

Bob Jarman has that real experience.

Bob came to San Juan County in 1975. Working and eventually managing the telephone company, Bob gained genuine direct experience with every aspect of island life. He knows the history; he knows the people; he knows the land.

We know that Bob has the respect of his colleagues. Watch any County Council meeting and you will see that while the members do not always agree, they hold one another in high regard. Drop by the Council office and if Bob is not already in a committee meeting or representing San Juan County on the mainland, you will be invited to come on in and talk with him.

Bob is already working on affordable housing issues. Bob is already working on the county’s budget and streamlining efficiencies. Bob is already providing an example of excellent customer service at the County offices. When the communication system went down a few years back, Bob held the phone company accountable.

Certainly other candidates have good qualities, but I want District 1 led by a Council Member who won’t need a minimum of two years to learn the job. Bob is already an experienced and effective leader. He’s the Real Deal, and I am proud to say that Bob Jarman has my vote.