— from Bill Appel —

San Juan County is a treasured as a place to live and to visit. Convenience at the expense of the environment is not generally honored here. But habits, arising out of assumptions, are.
“Assumptions over time become habits … and then taken for granted ,,, and then invisible…” —–Bob Tinker, founder and CFO of MobileIron.

Most of us live by invisible assumptions that cause invisible carbon pollution because we’ve lived in a petroleum-based economy all our lives. This is where some of us come in: those who can afford to lease or buy a new or used electric vehicle (EV) today.

With more EV sales or leases, production efficiency goes up and prices go down. Then more of us can step from the gas pedal to a carbon-free world. Help the planet break its invisible habit! Help yourself and reduce running and repair costs.

Join us at the Friday Harbor EV car show, Saturday, Apr. 29, 2017 at the Courthouse Parking Lot, 12:30 to 3:30 PM. See the latest and not-so-latest EVs, talk to their owners. See the EV a bunch of San Juan kids just built. EVs look just like the habit you’re used to.