Lesley Liddle is offering an AKC Canine Good Citizen class which will culminate in testing for the AKC certification, and badge. The class will be eight weeks long and will start on Monday   October 24 at 3 p.m. at the Oddfellows Hall in Eastsound.

The cost will be $ 140 plus a nominal AKC registration fee for those that pass the final test. Interested people please contact Lesley at 376 6220.

An AKC STAR PUPPY class is also offered for dogs less than a year old. This class teaches beginning social skills and obedience work which will be refined in the sequential AKC Canine Good Citizen class.

The puppy class is on Wednesday at 3 p.m., also at the Oddfellows Hall in Eastsound. Please call Lesley to register and for any questions.