— from the League of Women Voters of Washington (www.lwvwa.org) —

This Week’s Alert!

If you do nothing else, here is the most important action you can take:

Bring Bump Stock Ban ESB 5992 to House Floor Now

ESB 5992, known as the Bump Stock Ban, passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday and on to the Rules Committee. It needs to be passed to the House floor now for a vote. The bill passed the Senate 29-20 with bipartisan support and sponsorship.

Though not a firearm, a bump stock is a trigger modification device that effectively turns a firearm such as an AR-15 into a functioning automatic weapon like a machine gun. The shooter in the October Las Vegas massacre used bump stocks to kill 58 and wound over 500 in less than ten minutes.

Click here to tell your Representatives that you stand committed to common sense gun safety.

Reduce Greenhouse Gases by Pricing Carbon  

SSB 6203 imposes a carbon pollution tax equal to $10 per metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions on the sale or use of fossil fuels within the state of Washington. LWVWA believes that global warming is a serious issue that requires immediate action. Carbon pollution poses a profound and growing risk to our state’s economy and quality of life.  The League supports legislation to reduce carbon emissions by putting a price on carbon. 

Click here urge your Senator to support this bill to address the effects of climate change by reducing GHG emissions while generating revenue to promote renewable energy, forest health, water projects, and assistance to impacted populations.

Transparency and Accountability for Tax Preferences SB 5513  

SB 5513 Accountability and Transparency on Tax Preferences passed the Senate with bipartisan support. Don’t let the House Finance committee derail passage in the House. Please encourage the members of the House Finance committee to pass the bill UNCHANGED from the Senate version which passed with bipartisan support. This important vote will occur this this Thursday, February 22.

Please click here to support passage of a bill to require transparency and accountability in tax exclusions.

Washington Voting Rights Act Still Needs Your Support

You know that the WVRA ESSB 6002 has been a top priority for LWV for the last five years because it will provide equal access to our democracy for all communities. This year we have a great opportunity to pass a strong bill, but we have learned that legislators are being pressured by lobbyists to weaken the bill that came out of committee and delay the requirement for a proposed remedy. Please click here to let your representatives know you strongly support this bill as passed by the committee.

Status and Actions Needed for Other Legislative Priorities

Please click on the areas of interest to you to see the status of bills that the Lobby Team is working on and what action is needed this week. The issue webpages include the Lobby Team contact information, League positions, and history of bills the League is tracking for this legislative session.


Other Issues

Click here for a list of Lobby Team members and contact info.

Legislative Cut Off Dates

  • February 23, 2018Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) from opposite house, except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees.
  • February 26, 2018: Last day to read in opposite house committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) from House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees.