Andrew Staupe, student of Jon Kimura Parker, to perform at "Leaves of Gold" October 15

From the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

The timing couldn’t be more perfect!  Pianist Andrew Staupe was just awarded the 2011 Pro Musicis International Award. This prestigious honor brings recital debuts in New York at Carnegie Hall, Boston, Los Angeles and Paris.  The mission of this award is “to nurture and share the inspiration of the world’s finest concert artists.” He will join other renowned alums, including violist Kim Kashkashian, violinist Peter Oundjian and pianist Jeffrey Kahane.

See this fast-rising star perform in Rosario’s Music Room October 15 and 16. He and charismatic violinist Chee-Yun will perform Beethoven, Bach, Elgar and Saint-Saens at the 3rd annual “Leaves of Gold” concert at Rosario Resort October 15 at 7 p.m. and October 16 at 2 p.m.  This talented duo performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. last Fall, and we’re delighted that they will be performing for our fundraising concert.

Orcas Island audiences were first introduced to this gifted pianist during the 2010 Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival. Staupe has performed across the United States and extensively in Europe, appearing in Russia, Holland, Latvia, Romania, France, Germany, and Bulgaria.

A native of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Staupe is currently completing his D.M.A in Piano Performance at Rice University with pianist Jon Kimura Parker.

For tickets to the “Leaves of Gold” concert and reception, call the Festival Office 360-376-6636. Tickets are $150: proceeds benefit Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival programming and music in the schools.

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