From Phil Heikkinen, Orcas Public Library Director

Your Park and Recreation Services, Orcas Library and the Orcas Island School District are collaborating to host a diverse set of children’s and teens’ summer activities this summer.

We recently announced three fun activities for children and teens on Orcas Island: Game Club, hosted by Park and Recreation at the Orcas School Library, for Ages 7-12. It runs from June 25 – July 23, Tuesdays, from 1-3 PM; Inventor’s Challenge, hosted by Park and Recreation at the Orcas School Cafeteria and Buck Park, for ages 7-14. It runs from July 30 – August 27, Tuesdays, from 1-4 PM; and Animation Lab, hosted by Park and Recreation at the Funhouse Commons, for ages 12-17, running from August 5 – 9, from 1-4 PM each day. Contact Marcia West at 376-7275, for information and registration.

Added to the above are:

The Table of Contents Book Club for children in grades 4-6, hosted by the Library at Darvill’s Book Store, the third Thursday of each month from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. There is no fee and children receive free paperback books donated by the Friends of the Orcas Island Library. Contact Nita Couchman, the Childrens’ Librarian, at 376-4985 for details.

The Elementary Book Club, hosted by the Orcas School District, for ages 7-10, will meet at the School Library from 1:00 – 2:00 PM each Wednesday from July 24 through August 21. Children attending will receive free books. There is no fee. Contact Nita Couchman at 376-4985 or Maria Doss at for details. Also on these Book Club Wednesdays at the School Library, book checkout will be available from 2:00 – 4:00 PM.

Garden Story Time and Tea for ages 5-9 will be held from 1:30 – 2:30 PM at the Elementary School Garden in conjunction with the Potato Patch activity. Potato Patch occurs every Friday from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM from July 5 – August 24. Garden Story Time will occur on the following Fridays: July 12 and 26; August 9 and 23. There is no fee. Contact Chelsea at 376-3031 regarding Potato Patch and Maria Doss regarding Garden Story Time.

A Folk Art Class, hosted by Park and Recreation, and taught by Lana Hickman, Mondays and Thursdays, from 1:00 – 3:00 PM, July 15 – August 22, at the Orcas School Library. There is a supply fee of $20 for the entire class or $2 per class for drop-in students. Contact Marcia West at 376-7275 for more information and registration.

We are grateful to the Friends of Orcas Island Library which has contributed financial support for these programs.

We will continue to share updates, if any. Call the library, 376-4589, for additional information.