Begins March 25, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Olga Community Club

— from Caroline Buchanan —

The last week in March Caroline Buchanan will offer her once-a-year drawing class to get you started drawing. Caroline has an outstanding track record of helping even the most doubting people to learn to see and learn the “secrets” that make it possible to draw.

In the course of the week you will try:

  • contour drawings
  • shaded drawings
  • blind contour drawings
  • gesture drawings
  • shadow shape drawing
  • simple figure drawing
  • simple perspective
  • simplifying complicated subject
  • tinted drawings
  • drawing to scale
  • exploring areas of specific interest to you

The drawing retreat meets at the Olga Community Club March 25, 26, 28, 29 (no Wednesday) from 9:30 to 3:30. You may read more about it at or email Caroline at The class is limited to 8.

Go online to see how to register. Office Cupboard has all the supplies needed. Or bring your own and fill out later what you don’t have.