from Alayne Sundberg

Tuesday, January 15, 8:30am—1:30pm

Alayne and her goats

Alayne and her goats

A basic cheesemaking class will cover the basics of making pressed cheese to age, using equipment many kitchens have on hand already, in small batches suited to experimenting. I will endeavor to cover; general kitchen hygiene, milk quality and sources, basic equipment and improvising, special equipment to buy –sources, cultures, rennet, salt yeasts, molds ect., recipes, evaluating cheese, aging facilities, resources, cheesemaking technique/craft/art.

I have scheduled 8:30am – 1:30pm to accommodate the inter-island ferry . The process has many variables so I’m hoping this will allow enough time to finish up. I will provide snacks and beverages but do to the time constraints we will work straight through without a lunch break.

The cost is $85 per person. Class size is limited, participants will be by order of returned paid registrations. A second class will be arranged if numbers warrant.

Wear to class clean clothes, short sleeved shirt & extra layers (basement kitchen is cool), Hair restrained or covered with scarf or such. My Phone is 360-378-5764 if you have questions.